Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Stepping into Coleridge's shoes

Posted: 22nd May 2016

YEAR 7 enjoyed a trip to Coleridge Cottage in Nether Stowey. We had an interesting and informative tour of the cottage where the Romantic poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, lived between 1797 and 1800.

We were lucky to have some very enthusiastic and knowledgeable guides who were able to tell us what life would have been like for Coleridge and his family when they moved here. We even had a go at writing with quills, which we discovered was quite tricky and extremely messy!

After the tour we walked the start of the Coleridge Way and stopped at the site of Stowey Castle to think about the nature around us and to start drafting some poetry of our own – with pens this time!

After a very relaxed lunch in the sunshine in Coleridge’s garden, we headed to the ancient harbour at Watchet to view the landscape that inspired Coleridge to write his famous poem, ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’. We also formed a very long and eager queue at the ice-cream shop!

In English lessons last week, pupils composed their own poetry about nature. The finished poems will soon be on display in the corridor outside Mrs Burton’s room in Weirfield – please come and take a look.

Jane Burton

Categories: News Preparatory