Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

PTA join forces for Summer Fair

Posted: 25th May 2016

AS I write this everyone at the PTA has their fingers crossed for good weather on Thursday, May 26th, the day of the Summer Fair. This year’s summer fair promises to be the best yet, with new and exciting events for the children to take part in, as well as the traditional favourites.

We are delighted that with the help of Hamish McCarthy, the Royal Marines will be in attendance, giving a weapons display and also bringing their climbing wall, something I am sure that will prove to be exceptionally popular. They will not be the only one of Her Majesty’s forces present as we will also be visited by the local constabulary, who will be bringing a modern Hi-Tec police car for the children to view.

Of course the old favourites will also be there, Soak the Teacher (the teachers will be hoping for a warm day!), Sumo Wrestling, a Pimms tent and the ever popular Tombola and Raffle. The children will also take part and we look forward to seeing their innovative stall ideas.

The PTA organised a hog roast, which will also be available at the Prep School sports and parents days.
Special thanks this year should go to Donna King who has put in huge amounts of energy and time in to organising the Fair, without parents prepared to help out this type of event, that the children love so much, would not take place.

I hope you all had a great day and the sun shone!

Paul Billings

Categories: News Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form