Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Scandal in the Old Library

Posted: 12th June 2016

ON May 27th, The Jemima Layzell Trust held a charity Murder Mystery night at Taunton School where Old Tauntonians, current Tauntonians and Make Performing Arts tutors put on a fantastic performance of Agatha Christies ‘The Patient’ under the capable direction of Sam Dunn (OT).

Guests dressed in 1920s black tie, started with welcome drinks where they mingled with the cast and were introduced to the characters. Following a two course buffet the plot began to unfold with guests interrogating the suspects before entering their guesses into a draw.

Thank you to everyone who supportedthe night, the charity had hoped to raise £400/500 at this event but raised a tremendous £700. They have now raised 21% of their target for ‘Seat Support’- specialist seating for children with brain injury as requested by nurses and Occupational Therapist Louise who works at Bristol Children’s Hospital.

Taunton School and The Jemima Layzell Trust would like to say a special thank you to the Murder Mystery cast and The IOUs who played for free and remained right until the very end of the evening.
Thanks also to the event sponsors AR Blaze and all those who donated prizes (Muddy Dog, Hi Ho Silver, the Brewhouse, Mark and Janine Harris, RG Spillers, Linda Vijay and the Fisher family).

What a wonderful night! 

Categories: News Preparatory Senior Sixth Form