Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

2016 A Level Results

Posted: 22nd August 2016

Taunton School is delighted with this year’s A Level results.  Our sixth form students have excelled themselves and have significantly outperformed last year’s cohort.  We are equally proud of the achievements of our BTEC students and those who have studied the International Baccalaureate (IB), the latter becoming increasingly popular. 

With an overall pass rate of over 98%, an A*-C rate of 85% and A*-B rate of 68%, Taunton School has shown itself as an academic leader.  Students achieved a 100% pass rate in 26 out of the 30 subjects offered on the A-Level course.

Individually, 28 students achieved 3 As or better with Head Boy Liam Travers, obtaining the equivalent of 4 A* in the IB Diploma. We have every confidence that these statistics herald the birth of exciting and lasting growth in academic performance at Taunton School.

“The list of other students who achieved outstanding results was lengthy, although the success of the entire cohort is to be celebrated” commented Mr Lee Glaser (Head of Taunton School),
“These are excellent results and I am extremely proud of all of our students. They have shown that their hard work, alongside committed teachers and supportive parents, really does pay dividends. I am particularly delighted with the increase in the number of A* -B grades, 68% is an outstanding achievement and the highest since 2009. I am committed to ensuring that we will continue to build on this momentum and our academic depth across all subjects.  Our teachers have delivered academic depth, exceptional support and demonstrated why Taunton School is the right choice for so many students at Sixth Form. That said, it is the students who have backed that up with hard work and their success is greatly deserved.”

The vast majority of all our students are going on to their top choice university, including King’s College London, University College London, Bath and Exeter. Our diversity and global outlook has further led to students obtaining university places in eight different countries across Europe, in the USA and in Canada. 

In its inaugural year, BTEC Sport and Exercise Science saw very strong results with a third obtaining the maximum grade – triple star distinction, which equates to 3 A*. Hayley Mortimer, the school’s Director of Sport said:

“All students achieved excellent results. The BTEC course has enabled pupils to gain sought after places at the University of Bath, currently ranked top for its Sports provision. Pupils with a BTEC are better prepared for the style of learning at university as well as becoming more independent in their own journey.”

The popular Taunton School Pre-Med programme was also very successful with all future Medics, Dentists and Vets obtaining their first choice university. 

“All students not only met but exceeded their university offer requirements.  They are a group of highly dedicated and motivated young adults who thoroughly deserve their success – a record breaking year!” Caro Wedgwood, Head of Biology and Pre-Med programme.
Our 2016 results illustrate the breadth of excellence amongst our sixth form students. This year’s leavers are going on to study subjects ranging from medicine, aeronautical engineering to psychology, music, veterinary medicine, sport science, languages, arts and humanities. Taunton School truly provides opportunities for everyone. 

Categories: News Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form