Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

New computer suite wows students at Taunton School

Posted: 4th October 2016

 You’d be forgiven for thinking that you had walked onto the set of the latest sci-fi movie when you enter Taunton School’s new computer suite.

The former benches and computers have vanished and it has been transformed into a state of the art learning space with brand new hardware.

Inspired by the learning spaces exhibited at the Apple education conference in London, Simon Ryder, Head of Academic ICT and Computing at the school, brought in furniture designers Zioxi to create the bespoke classroom.

The suite now has standing desks and tall chairs, granting students the flexibility to move around and gain a truly hands-on experience. Through the incorporation of vibrant colours and top of the range apparatus, the room has been transformed into an ultra-modern hub.

William Aikhomu, a Year 13 pupil at Taunton School, said: “The new room makes learning more exciting and comfortable as it showcases exactly what ICT is about.”
Nicole Thomas, also a Year 13 student, commented: “The room is amazing, and it’s really improving the future technology at Taunton School.”

The new classroom is also home to a Skype corner that has been set up to allow students to interact with experts from industry. Simon said: “It has gone from a plain classroom to a multi-use space for students to learn in. There is that wow factor when the students come in.”

The renovation comes at an exciting time for Taunton School. They are currently the only local independent school offering both GCSE and A Level Computer Science courses within the normal school timetable. Students are particularly excited to learn more about the different branches of science, including robotics, cryptology, and computer games design. 

Categories: News Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form