Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton Prep School Choir sing their way through Switzerland

Posted: 13th October 2016

Thirty excited Taunton Prep School pupils have been singing from mountain tops in Switzerland on their annual choir tour.

As well as impromptu alfresco public singing, the children aged 10-13, have been singing in the most revered and outstanding Swiss and French venues.
The choir have been performing in the beautiful Chateau de Chillon, made famous by Lord Byron’s poem ‘The Prisoner of Chillon’, the nostalgic Notre Dame Cathedral in Lausanne and the quaint Church of L’Assomption (Known as St Andre) in Evian, France.

They also enjoyed a cable car to the summit of an Alpine mountain, visited a Swiss chocolate factory and went on a boat cruise on Lake Geneva.
Before they left for Geneva, the choir performed to friends, family and staff in the School Chapel, in their debut performance (on Thurs 13th Oct). The children were amazing, performing with energy and enjoyment.

In previous years the choir has visited Lake Garda, Salzburg, Venice, Rome, Prague, Verona, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Florence and Madrid and have had the amazing opportunity of performing at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in Rome and in St Marks’ Cathedral in Venice.

Daisy Jacabi, a Year 7 pupil, said before they left: “I’m excited because I have never really gone on something like this before. It will be amazing to be there in person.”

Categories: News Preparatory