Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Egg-cellent Enrichment

Posted: 20th October 2016

Saturday October 8th saw Year 7 and 8 continue their teamwork and leadership focused activities. Provided with minimal materials and a limited brief, their task was to design a structure that would protect a raw egg thrown over some distance; the winning team would be those whose egg travelled the furthest and survived!

Despite a couple of breakages in the construction process, every team found their way to the start line, and 22 eggs were duly launched. After a tense process of unravelling their precious cargo, the winning team were confirmed as Joshua Sibanda-Jenkins, Alex Pomeroy, Harrison Barrett, Hetty James, and Taylor Slade!

The Enrichment Programme will soon draw together their collective experience to reflect on the habits of highly successful teams, as well as the various PSB skills they have recently employed.

Categories: News Preparatory