Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Living like a Tudor

Posted: 20th October 2016

On a dry October’s day, Year 4 travelled to the quaint village of Montacute to visit the Montacute House; a masterpiece of Elizabethan Renaissance architecture and design. With its towering walls of glass, glow of ham stone, and surrounding gardens it is a place of beauty and wonder.

As part of our topic, ‘The Tudors’, Year 4 had the pleasure of a guided tour round the Tudor House from a National Trust Volunteer and time to explore the surrounding grounds. They learnt what is was like to live as a rich and poor person during this time period, and to see first-hand many different and interesting artifacts.

The children were split into four different groups; each doing a different activity. There was: quill writing, spice bag making, designing a coat of arms, and dressing up in Tudor costumes. A great time was had by all, and we even had time to visit the shop!

Categories: News Preparatory