Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Abstract Art Attack

Posted: 10th November 2016

The Sixth Form Fine Art and Visual Arts students went to see Abstract Expressionism at The Royal Academy of Arts in London on Tuesday. It was a hugely successful and valuable day which celebrated the potential of artistic materials, the intensity of colour, the effect of visual energy and the impact of large-scale artworks. This ‘once in a lifetime’ exhibition showcased a superb range of key works by Abstract Expressionists, the majority of which had not been shown together for decades. The artists all wanted to break with tradition in their own ways. Our pupils were inspired by these works and began to create their own abstract pieces. 

The students responded well to the challenging visual experience they had at the Abstract Expressionism exhibition by producing first class drawings, primary research and observational notes. In fact, some of the Royal Academy staff mentioned how impressed they were by the excellent quality of the students’ drawings. It was a truly inspirational exhibition which we will remember for many years to come. We strongly recommend a visit to this amazing location. 

Lucy Dillon (Teacher of Art) and Lotte Hammer (Head of Art)

Categories: News Sixth Form