Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Support Bras

Posted: 1st December 2016

Members of Taunton School were pleasantly surprised when they emerged from the main building on Wednesday. They came face to face with an assortment of dazzling, donated bras. Now you may think this to be a rather random act of madness, but in fact they serve a much greater purpose.

These bras were placed to raise awareness for breast cancer; one of the largest killers of young women. They are also to be sent to a charity based in Africa which provides bras for women who do not have the simple privilege of owning there own bras due to them being considered a luxury. This is a fantastic cause that we are proud to support and hope to continue to support in the future. Thanks to Miss Mannings, Miss Mortimer and to everyone who kindly donated their bras.


Categories: News Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form