Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Glitter, Glue and interactive play

Posted: 2nd December 2016

This week we’ve been enjoying the crisp frosty days and winter sun, a great combination! Much better than pouring rain and no outdoor action! It’s a good job we have that lovely sports hall though otherwise knees could be chilly and little fingers could be quite numb!

Of course the grown up Year 2 children demonstrated their rugby and netball skills to visiting parents on Monday afternoon outside on Greenham and they also had a chance to compete last Friday at the footy festival at King’s. A resounding success with TPPS winning all their matches! Thank you, Mr Gatford.

I’ve been catching up on Safeguarding Training this week and all the staff have received excellent pass rates in their ongoing update training; part of our statutory obligation. Keeping young children safe is high on our agenda of course! We’ve also had a surprise visitor from the Good Schools Guide and eagerly await his report!

This week I promised an update on all the Nursery classes! The staff in these rooms really do work very hard to make the experience for these little people stimulating, exciting and nurturing. Every time I visit these rooms I feel so proud! Nothing is too much trouble and the activities are so varied and creative.

N2 and N1 have experienced an explosion of glitter, shiny paint, glue and lots of sensory activities. Interactive stories and sensory play. Baby yoga, sing and sign and lots of fresh air too! There is always a time for a nap or two and the sleep room ( my old office) is transformed to a cosy calm space! I quite fancy a nap too in this lovely environment.
Nursery 3 have all now settled into their new routines and have been swimming, cooking and involved in messy malleables. They are learning French through games and rhymes and love their mud kitchen and new community play connecting blocks with wheels and ramps. Maths and numbers are learnt in small group play time (very informally of course!) and all children love their daily story and music time.

We’re all grown up in N4; well, still only 3/4 years old so not quite! The pre-school nursery children have started their phonic games and love their new group times after good morning time or after lunch. Lots of decorated bags soon to be filled with goodies line the cupboards and walls and although we are trying not to mention it too early it is that time of year again!

We look forward to welcoming you all to our Nativity Musical next week, Born in a Barn! And Christingle in the Chapel the following week. Please do join us for festive refreshments afterwards!

Kathy McLauchlan, Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep


Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep