Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

News from Nursery and Pre-Prep

Posted: 20th January 2017

We have all enjoyed the sunshine this week and these are the journeys we have been on and topics we are focusing on.

The Bear Hunt in Reception and Bear trail. Did the Bear enjoy and eat all the honey sandwiches left out for him in the Reception classes?

Nursery are splish, splash, sploshing. Babies dabbling in messy trays of foam and dough as they explore many different malleable sensory activities. Year One have discovered giant eggs. I wonder what is inside? Year 2 have been thinking about interesting questions to research and find out… as they journey to Africa. They have looked at the wonderful and vibrant colourful textile patterns as they recreate these patterns in paint and ink and explore the meanings of the symbols further. I have also seen some fantastic observational artwork of different kinds of monkeys –so many different varieties.  

We have all enjoyed our mental maths and interactive Abacus Maths as well as our bespoke literacy activities. Lists have been written, recounts told and written, creative story frames made to scaffold and support the children’s story writing.

Handwriting and reading were also celebrated today during Celebration Assembly.

Lots of happy, energised children and staff. Thank you every one as always for your support. Our next Nursery Information session is on Monday February 6th at 8.30am.

Kathy McLauchlan, Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep