Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Our Golden Rules

Posted: 27th January 2017


Two of the highlights of my week are Learning Walks and Celebration Assembly. Both activities directly involve engagement with learning and the children, the children being the sole purpose and centre of our function.

Firstly learning walks, in and out of classrooms, talking to the children about their learning, celebrating their achievements and identifying their needs. When I do this it allows me to see the wonderful ideas your children have, their intelligences as well as the challenges they face. It also allows me to monitor delivery of the teaching and I always come away feeling, Wow! Lucky children, I wish I had this opportunity, of course I did! But I am not sure I had such dynamic teachers or such an engaging curriculum!

Celebration Assembly, everything is celebrated and all children have a turn. We celebrate everything from academic achievement to kindness and good manners.

This week our positive value word is tolerance! In Pre-Prep and Nursery speak it looks like this: Patience and fairness and respect for all people. What is tolerant behaviour and what is intolerant? Why do people show intolerant behaviour? How can being tolerant build relationships with family and friends? Why is tolerance essential in our school community and in global situations, throughout the wider world.

You will see this British Value adorning the classroom walls and in action it looks like this! Our Golden Rules!

We play happily together
We listen to our friends
We share our ideas and are accepting of each others differing points of view
We play respectfully
We try to understand each others feelings
We are kind and include everyone in our games

Kathy McLauchlan
Head of Nursery, Pre-Prep and Years 3&4

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep