Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Supporting our elderly community

Posted: 27th January 2017

Do you know of someone aged 75 or over who lives alone, has little contact with friends or family and finds it difficult to get out and about on their own? If so, a change of scenery and regular afternoons of conversation and laughter with friends of all ages could be just what they need. In researching a charity to support this term, my thoughts turned to the elderly people in our community, and I learned of the good work being done by a charity called Contact the Elderly. Supported by a network of volunteers, Contact the Elderly organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people aged 75 and over, who live alone, offering a regular and vital friendship link every month. While we will raise money this term for them with our regular mufti day, I hope that by supporting the charity, our pupils will come to recognise the ever-increasing need to support ageing people in our community. We also hope to host some tea parties at school in time to come. Importantly though, the charity not only needs money to fund their operation, but also local volunteers to either transport the guests to the tea parties or indeed to host a tea party for eight elderly people at your own home. Perhaps you would like to become involved? For more information, or to refer an elderly person you know to the charity, please follow this link: CONTACT THE ELDERLY.

Duncan Sinclair, Head of Prep School

Categories: Blog Preparatory