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Hockey Director to gain Top Elite Sport Qualification

Posted: 9th February 2017

Taunton School’s Director of Hockey, Elliot Foweraker, is one of just ten coaches who has been offered a coveted place on the European Hockey Federation’s Top Coaching Programme (TCP), and the only English candidate.

The course is a High Performance Programme, which covers many areas such as tactical, match analysis, mental coaching, game planning and managing staff and is delivered by top coaches from around the world.

Elliot, who has been Director of Hockey at Taunton School since 2015, will begin the course this year and commented: “I’m delighted to have this opportunity to be part of the European Top Coaching Programme. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn lots from Europe’s top coaches and I’m looking forward to passing on my knowledge to benefit our players and teams here at Taunton School.”

The TCP is closely linked to the International Hockey Federation (FIH) Academy Level 3 award. On completion, delegates should achieve both awards. On top of this it will lead to recommendation to join the FIH High Performance Coach award, currently the FIH’s highest qualification. 

Hockey is one of the major sports taught at Taunton School and is played by both boys and girls. Recent success includes Girls U18 West finalists last season and the Boys reaching the West indoor finals putting them in the top 32 schools in the country.

Categories: News Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form