Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Welcome back to the summer term!

Posted: 26th April 2017

Welcome back to a sunny Summer Term we hope! Even if there is a little chill in the early morning air. We have a full and busy term planned and I hope by now you have highlighted all pertinent events in your calendars.

Already magic beans have been discovered in Year 1, and lots of planting seeds and growing things are taking place across the Nursery and Pre-Prep. Year 2 are studying Van Gogh and have been looking at the story of Camille and the Sunflowers, all very topical as it connects and links to our Celebration performance in the Marquee on Friday, 23rd June – There is a Sunflower in my Soup. You will soon receive invitations to the Celebration Day and Grandparents Tea Party, two highlights of this term.

Thank you for encouraging your friends and neighbours to attend our open morning on Monday, it does look like we are going to be very busy.

Don’t forget its Mufti Day next Friday when the children will also be able to watch a parachute display, more details about this will be sent to parents.

Kathy McLauchlan
Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep