Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Excellent attitudes and outstanding outcomes

Posted: 30th April 2017

We are riding on a high as the Summer term begins having just received the reports from our recent inspection. I am extremely pleased with the outcomes across the school and they are testament to the hard work of the entire school community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents, students, staff and the wider Taunton School Community for the part they play in making Taunton School such a great place.

We will, of course, not be complacent and will continue with planned improvements to all areas of school life. It was particularly pleasing to see inspectors observe that our students demonstrate “excellent attitudes to their learning” and that “outcomes for pupils in the co-curricular programme are outstanding”.

It is clear that all members of our community work extremely hard, are passionate, dedicated and care wholeheartedly about our pupils’ success and well-being. Inspection reports are very important as they provide parents and students with an independent and objective comparison tool when deciding on the right school for them and the quality of the education on offer. This report, on the back of our excellent independent review by The Good Schools Guide, is very exciting and a huge compliment to all.

Lee Glaser, Headmaster

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior