Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Boarders get adventurous at Vivary Park

Posted: 4th May 2017



In the lead up to our Exeat weekend the House has welcomed a number of visitors. From ‘sleepovers’ to touring sides from St Michael’s School, Jersey, we also had Open Morning. Parents and children enjoyed seeing our ‘home’ and hearing about the routine, trips and experiences in which we take part.

Most recently we have been able to talk about our ‘Fun with Flags’ activity and the opportunity to take St Michael’s to The Vivary Centre for the High Ropes activity. It was wonderful to see individuals embracing the experience, challenging themselves and supporting peers who were finding themselves out of their comfort zone.

The damp weather certainly failed to dampen spirits and the weekend set us in great stead for the week which has followed. With revision at the forefront of many of our senior boarders’ thoughts, time has been set aside for them to prepare for the assessments and exams which loom in the not too distant future. In addition others have continued to enjoy the fair weather and the cricket, swimming, tennis, nature garden making, cookery and volleyball activities that have taken place.

Michelle Coleman
Head of Boarding

Categories: Blog Pre-Prep Preparatory