Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

How learning a language can combat stress

Posted: 25th May 2017

As the half-term break is approaching and many of us are clawing through the week to reach our well deserved rest, stress is exponentially clouding our thoughts with either work, work, work, or doing nothing at all and creating a dangerous pit of anxiety. For those of us no longer studying a language in our academic curriculum, we tend to feel obliged to part ways with our interests even though these skills are very useful despite what some people may think.

When learning a new language, your goals should be simple and consistent so that you can progress and develop your skills but also feel the fulfilment of achieving a personal goal. Taking time out to do something that keeps your mind engaged and working but also de-stressing yourself can be very important when it comes to exam time. Learning a language should be an enjoyment not a stressful activity. If learning a language is too much of a burden you can always find something that will release your tension but also benefit you without impairing your revision schedule. Without being too repetitive and stating the obvious, it is important that you understand how vital it is to look after yourself and give yourself a break.

If you generally feel like you can not cope with stress, talk with a peer, member of staff, or you can visit EAL on the allocated days when there are stress sessions with the school’s mental health nurse. 

Rumbidzai Nyamukapa
Lower Sixth

Categories: Blog Preparatory Senior