Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton Prep School Parents Day

Posted: 26th June 2017

It was the traditional Preparatory School ‘Parents Day’ on Saturday, 24th June which started with a superb musical performance followed by prize giving in the marquee.

Zimbabwean endurance adventurer, author and motivational speaker, Sean Conway was the Guest of Honour on the day. Born in 1981, Sean became the first person to cycle, swim and run the length of Great Britain, from Land’s End to John o’Groats. He gave an inspiring talk and presented prizes to students. Chair of Governors Henry Keeling and Headmaster Duncan Sinclair also delivered speeches commending students’ commitment and hard work during the year.

After a picnic lunch, families enjoyed activities, exhibitions and displays in the classrooms and the day concluded with the Headmaster’s cricket and a rounders match.

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Categories: News Preparatory