Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Farewell from our Prep School Head

Posted: 6th July 2017

On behalf of Mrs McLauchlan and myself, let me begin this final article of the year by thanking you all so much for your support of the school in recent days. We enjoyed a fabulous Celebration Day on Friday with Pre Prep and Nursery, before capping off the week with a great Parents’ Day for the Prep School on Saturday. Both of these are very fitting events for us to recognise all of the pupils for their achievements and accomplishments through the course of the academic year. It is also a chance to thank the staff for all of their dedication and effort in supporting the children to make real progress in all of their pursuits, be they academic or co-curricular.

We also took the opportunity to recognise members of staff who now leave the school to take up new challenges. This list now includes myself as I also leave TPS this summer. I have taken huge pleasure through the course of the past four years in leading this school. Whilst we as a family have an exciting new chapter opening before us, the chapter of our lives spent as part of this community will always remain truly special to us, and we thank you sincerely for making us feel so welcome throughout our time here. As so, as I did in my speech on Parents’ Day, I leave you with some thoughts for the children. Well done to you all on a fabulous year, but challenge yourselves to progress further next year.

A good friend once said to me “At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair should be messy and your eyes sparkling.” In the words of Barack Obama “it is you, the young and fearless at heart, the most diverse and educated generation in our history, who the nation is waiting to follow.”

Duncan Sinclair, Headmaster, TPS 

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory