Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Exciting futures await Taunton School Sixth Formers

Posted: 16th August 2017

Taunton School students have done it again! Today’s excellent A Level and BTEC results follow hot on the heels of our best ever set of IB scores last month. 68% of sixth form grades this summer were A*, A or B equivalent. This proves once again that Taunton School is an academic leader in the South West.

The A*-C equivalent rate was 88%. 45% of all grades were A* or A equivalent.

At A Level, students achieved an overall pass rate of 100% across the 30 subjects offered and individually, 12 A Level students achieved 3 As or better while 15 got at least ABB.

Top A Level achiever Kieran Bailey, gained four A* grades and an A, in Art, History, English, Critical Thinking and Classics. Kieran, whose ambition is to be Prime Minister, said: “I am shocked, elated and very happy. I feel like all my hard word has paid off. The high energy at Taunton School has been the critical element, it’s got that buzz that makes you believe you can do it and it wouldn’t have happened without the teachers I have had.” Kieran is now heading off to Pakistan to work in a school for six months and plans to apply for Harvard and Oxford to study History.

All four of our Oxbridge students achieved the grades they needed to take up their places.

BTEC Sport and Exercise Science extended diploma students saw very strong results with 80% gaining distinction* or distinction (equivalent to A* and A) and 100% achieving distinction* to merit (equivalent to A*-C). The highest achieving BTEC student was Laurie Dawkins, from Taunton, who achieved triple distinction* and who is off to Worcester University to study Physiotherapy.

In July, Taunton School IB students celebrated record results, with an average points score per candidate of 36 putting them 6 points ahead of the world average. Sara Guest, who was Deputy Head Girl, achieved an amazing maximum score of 45 points equivalent to 4 A* grades.

Headmaster Lee Glaser said: “This is the icing on the cake following a fantastic year for Taunton School. After our excellent review by The Good Schools Guide and the outstanding inspection report in March, I am truly delighted with these excellent results. Students have once again worked very hard for their success and they have benefited from the warmth and positive support of their teachers and parents. 68% A* to B grade equivalent is an outstanding achievement which reflects the dedication of the entire Taunton School community to help students maximise their potential.”


Categories: News Sixth Form