Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Summer of success continues for Taunton School students

Posted: 23rd August 2017

Year 11 students celebrate an impressive 389 A* or A grades, achieved across 26 subjects. Taunton School are once again delighted with the excellent GCSE results today.

87% of students gained at least 5 A*-C. Overall pass rate is 98%. 57 Year 10 students also achieve Maths success.

Special mention goes to Maddy McInerney, from Wiveliscombe, who achieved an amazing 11 A* and one A. Alexander Kitchen, from Taunton, Maddy Taylor, from Norton-sub-Hamdon, and Ellie-May Vohra, from Brent Knoll, all gained a fantastic 11 A*. Sophie Bray, from Minehead, and Daisy Daniel, from Bridport, both achieved 10 A*.

Maddy McInerney, who is going into Taunton School Sixth Form, said: “I feel like my hard work has paid off. I am going to be studying the IB in September. I have been a bit nervous this week since I came back from holiday on Tuesday but my results are good. Biology and English were my favourite subjects.” Maddy joined Taunton School in Year 7.

Alexander Kitchen (right), who is also going into Sixth Form at Taunton School, said: “I feel really good, really happy. I didn’t expect to get these grades. I worked really hard and Maths was my best subject.” Alex will be studying A Level Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics in September.

In addition to the success of Taunton Schools Year 11 students, 57 Year 10 students were entered for the Maths GCSE exam a whole year early. They did amazingly well with 42% achieving A* or A grades, 54% had A*, A or B, and 90% gained at least a C.

English, Maths, History and Modern Languages all turned in strong results. Other top performing subjects were Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Latin, Music, and Religious Studies. The Taunton School Art Department managed a fantastic A*-A rate of 60 percent.

Lee Glaser, Headmaster of Taunton School, said: “These results are a wonderful achievement by our young people who showed such dedication over the GCSE course. Well done to everyone and thank you to the teaching staff who, as ever, provided brilliant support and always went the extra mile for the students. Having nearly half of grades at A* or A is a standard we look forward to maintaining and building upon in future years.”

Taunton School is looking forward to welcoming our students back to school very shortly to begin their Sixth Form courses.

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