Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Waves at Woolacombe

Posted: 23rd September 2017

The fully integrated boarding community regularly attend trips together here at Taunton School.

Sixth former Laurenz, who previously attended TSI said: “One of the best weekend activities so far was on a not-so-sunny Sunday, when Mr. Tarr, Head of Boarding, took 13 boarders to have an enjoyable afternoon in the huge waves of Woolacombe beach.”

Fellow sixth former Noemie, who also previously went to TSI and Summer School added: “As we arrived, the instructors were already waiting to equip us with neoprene wetsuits and surfboards. Having carried them down the beach towards the outgoing tide, we underwent a beginners instruction to ensure everybody was capable of the basics. Following this we spent a good hour crushing the waves!”


Categories: News Senior Sixth Form