Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

It's House Singing time!

Posted: 9th October 2017


In Week 7 one of the most eagerly anticipated events of the year will unfold: House Singing. To the neutral observer, the idea of stopping lessons for a day to enable the school to run a singing competition may appear faintly ridiculous but the benefits, both immediate and in the longer term, are clear and very important. The most important thing we do at School is generate a love of learning through inspirational teaching which is seen in the exam results the students generate each year. However, the path to exam success is not as easy to map out and sometimes the crucial and positive correlating factors are assimilated through a range of experiences. Success in school and beyond school is undoubtedly linked to academic success but increasingly the qualities of resilience, team work and creativity are seen as equally (if not more) important in a changing world. Taunton School is proud of its culture in which challenge is demanded of students and staff alike but the inevitable consequence of challenge is that students will fail, they will have to deal with adversity and this may happen on a daily basis. This is why the House system is so integral and helps to nurture young people through these disappointments to help them come through as more determined, more resilient and more understanding of how they can achieve. House Singing is therefore an incredible vehicle through which house spirit is engendered and the vital bonds of friendship and togetherness between all year groups is formed. In turn, there is nothing more powerful than a strong role model and for younger students to feel part of something akin to family life in which older ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ are there to care and look out for one another is an essential part of how young people not only develop the necessary qualities for success but ultimately are more able to take on the key challenge: a successful academic programme.

Ed Burnett
Deputy Head


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