Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Welcome back!

Posted: 7th November 2017

I hope that you all enjoyed a great half term break and are looking forward to the exciting and busy run up to the end of the Autumn term.

Last Tuesday, it was lovely to attend the ‘Choir Tour Cafe’ in the Centenary Hall. Year 8 pupils read out their own beautifully written accounts of their wonderful time away and the whole choir sang extremely well.
Trips are such an important part of the educational experience at a school such as ours and I am in the process of finalising a letter which will be sent to all parents setting out plans for 2018-19. This will allow families to see the bigger picture and to plot the correct way forward as these trips start to be advertised during the coming months.
I have today had the pleasure of giving out badges to our Year 8 pupils who have been performing leadership roles in areas of school life chosen by them. Our Digital Leaders, for example, are now very slickly running the technological side of our Assemblies, our Eco Leaders have been pressing home-grown apples with Mr Raven and Mr McCarthy to produce the most delicious juice, and our Science Leaders have been enjoying helping our Science Technician to prepare materials needed for class experiments.

It has been very good to see a number of parents of pupils in Years 7 and 8 take advantage of the opportunities in the Calendar during this past week to meet Mr Lee Glaser, Head of the Senior School, and Mrs Ruth Coomber, Director of Student Progress for the Senior School. As well as ensuring that pupils at the top of the Prep School enjoy a smooth transition into the Senior School, we are committed to making sure that parents have all of the information needed to feel very confident about the years ahead. Mrs Mortimer, Director of Co-Curricular and Sport in the Senior School, spoke with our Year 7 and 8 pupils on Saturday during their Enrichment Lesson, talking to them about opportunities and answering questions about Year 9 and above.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Prep School Headmaster

Categories: Blog Preparatory