Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Feeling charitable

Posted: 17th November 2017

A very happy Children in Need day to all!  On Monday, we were really excited to have Pudsey Bear and Claire Carter from BBC Somerset visit us as part of her ‘Great Wellington Walk’. Well done to all of the children who wore their wellies and brought in a contribution.  Today we have been wearing our spots and the break-time disco and cake sale have been a lot of fun and helped to swell the coffers.  As a school it is so important for us to support charities and to ensure that we think of those who are less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help them.

Whilst on the subject of charities, I was incredibly proud to hand over a cheque in Assembly on Monday for almost £10,000 to Andrew Ogierman from Aspire, a charity which helps patients with spinal injuries to recover.  That is a huge amount of money for a prep school to raise in the space of a few weeks with fund-raising efforts including an amazing achievement by the members of the Long Distance Open Water Swimming Club, who raised money by swimming the Solent, as well as all of the pupils who contributed on the Roberts House Charity Day earlier this term.  Very well done to everyone who has been involved!

I have been so pleased to see a full set of brand new radiators being installed into Centenary Hall this week.  It is important to me that the pupils and staff are always proud of our school buildings and facilities and we have made it a priority to look at Centenary and to ensure that we have a warm and welcoming hall, where we can gather as a whole school and host visitors. 

And finally this week from me, I would like to mention the acts of Remembrance last Friday and Saturday.  The pupils of the Prep School participated and behaved superbly well, demonstrating a mature understanding of these events.  The fact that we have a large core of pupils and staff from military backgrounds adds power and depth to Remembrance Day and these members of our community are always helping us to strengthen the sense of service and values which are at the heart of our school.

Mr Edwards 
Prep School Headmaster

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory