Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Weekly Awards

Posted: 24th November 2017

It was a great pleasure this week to award six ‘Learner of the Week’ certificates in assembly, as well as the usual recognition for Sportsman, Sportswoman, Musician and Citizen of the Week. In addition to these weekly awards, pupils have now started bringing me at break-time their ‘Rolls of Honour’, which are given to them by their teachers for outstanding effort in academic work. Over the last two weeks, I have seen over 20 boys and girls, who have been so proud to show me their work and very happy to go away with a small prize that they have chosen from my rewards box. It is always such a treat for me to see at firsthand the excellent standards being achieved in the classroom and to give the pupils the recognition which they deserve. 

Many congratulations to our Year 8 Junior Leaders for organising such an entertaining party for pupils in Years 3 and 4 in the Centenary Hall on Tuesday evening. To see our oldest pupils developing such good relationships with our youngest does much to strengthen the family feel which we have at TPS and to make the children in Years 3 and 4 feel properly integrated into the Prep School. 

And finally, what a splendid concert last Monday in the Chapel!  With over 200 pupils and many staff performing, I was hugely impressed by the high quality of musicianship on display and the fact that so many of our pupils learn musical instruments and sing. The dedication and skill of the staff, brilliantly led by Mrs Hornsby, and the support of parents, combine to give our pupils such wonderful opportunities to excel in this important area of school life.  Very well done to all who took part in this wonderful event!

Mr Andrew Edwards

Categories: Blog Preparatory