Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Sharing and giving

Posted: 8th December 2017



With the Christmas tree decorated, the listening of Christmas songs each morning whilst we enjoy our breakfast, festive activities and the preparations for this afternoons Christmas Fair, you can imagine that Thone House is buzzing. This time of year is always very special and this year is no exception. With a houseful of excited children, there is a sense of magic throughout Thone which is complemented by gestures from the children, showing the values and ethos of Christmas, such as sharing and giving. Sharing advent calendars, listening to one another read, helping out with the daily routine and welcoming our visitors, of which we have had many this week. Whatever the action, it has been wonderful to see the children at their best at such a bonnie time of year.

We have had a wonderful time making Christmas decorations, baking jam tarts and preparing for our Christmas stalls, whilst also having great fun swimming, playing dodgeball, badminton and not forgetting a measured amount of time on our electronics.

Such activities followed a visit to Stourhead for a pleasurable walk around the grounds of the House, on a crisp, but sunny Sunday afternoon and the opportunity to make our own Green Screening videos.

As we look ahead to tomorrow and Sunday, it is going to be great to continue with our Christmas preparations, as we have time to shop and prepare for surprises we would like to take home next week.

Michelle Coleman, Head of TPS Boarding

Categories: Blog Pre-Prep Preparatory