Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

What a wonderful nativity play!

Posted: 8th December 2017

Away in a Manger is a delightful children’s nativity play about two proud Mules called Maurice and Maud who have become rather attached to their manger. What a commotion it causes when they have to share it with a stream of visitors! Goats, Chickens, Cockerels, Mice and Donkeys – a spectacular array of noisy farmyard animals and only just enough room for a special baby, Mary and Joseph and the Donkey.

A spectacular performance delivered by the Pre-Prep children who narrated and sang with passion, energy and enthusiasm. The children joyfully presented this witty version of the traditional nativity and they all certainly evidenced that we have much talent that will sparkle and shine in the future.

Thank you parents and friends for the support you always provide and for your positive and glowing comments about our performance. We have a very dedicated and strong team of many talents who nurture and guide, bringing out all the children’s unique talent. A special thanks must go to Mrs Cooper (Year 2 teacher), Mr Riggs (lighting, sound and special effects! Snow!!! That caused another commotion!) Thank you to our Reception Teaching assistants for making the manger and of course our very own Director of Music, Mrs Hornsby and pianist Mr Baker.

Mr Cousins has filmed the performances and when we have filmed ‘Whoops a Daisy Angel’ the Nursery production (Monday 11th December) – we will be inviting you to purchase a copy if you wish.

The children have been excited today about the Christmas Fair and there has been lots of Christmas Jumper sparkle! What a fun and very special time of year for our youngest children.

Kathy McLauchlan
Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep