Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Embracing the TPS Way

Posted: 15th December 2017

The past 15 weeks have simply flown by and we have now arrived at the end of what has been a terrific Autumn term. The last week has been packed with festive fun and wonderful events such as the Christmas Fair last Friday, the Christmas Lunch on Monday and today’s Carol Services.

As I write my final piece for the Courier this term, I would like to end where I began. Back in September, I shared with you how, for my first assembly, I spoke about four words – challenge, effort, respect and smile. These words have now been incorporated into the new ‘TPS Way’ which appears on the walls of every classroom and around the school. The pupils have certainly embraced this and I am impressed by how many of them know it off by heart already. I will be testing them in the New Year!

The final few days of term have brought out the very best in our school. It was lovely in yesterday’s final assembly to see how proud and happy pupils were to be recognised for their special achievements. The ethos at TPS is definitely one of celebrating effort, hard work, participation and achievement. Year 8 pupils have been leading the way and to see them interacting so positively with the Year 3 pupils in yesterday’s House Parties emphasised what a happy, nurturing and family school we are.

I hope that you enjoy the Tauntonian, which is winging its way to you today, and that you enjoy revisiting those happy memories from 2016-17. Thank you very much for the tremendous support which you have given this term to your children and to the school, and I wish you all all a very enjoyable festive holiday.

Mr Edwards, Prep School Headmaster

Categories: Blog Pre-Prep Preparatory