Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Head Girl and Boy sum up the autumn term

Posted: 15th December 2017


This term, as always, has been extremely busy for everyone. So, we can probably speak on behalf of everyone when we agree the Reading Weekend in November provided a perfectly timed moment of relaxation. We personally have had to juggle university applications and work whilst representing school sport’s teams and participating in other extra-curricular activities such as concerts and inter house events.

It has also been an exciting term for school achievements. With our roles in the school, supporting Mr Glaser and other teachers, we have the opportunity to act as the bridge between staff and students. Whilst ensuring students have a voice and subsequent action can be initiated, we can also offer a student’s perspective on ideas. Patrick has been leading the Middle-School and Sixth Form forums which is also a place for suggestions on the continued progression of the school. We then meet once a week as the heads and deputy heads of school, and once a week with the other prefects to feedback opinions. (FYI on the top of our agenda is to add a highly demanded coffee machine to the Guvvy – so watch out for that…)

We have also attended some Old Tauntonian events which were a great way to meet past pupils. They normally have some hilarious but treasured stories about their life at Taunton school and enjoy reliving these memories with present students. You may have also seen us helping out at parents’ evenings with the rest of the prefect team. However, next term will be when you see the most of the prefects as we tackle the famous Rag Week, aiming to raise as much money as possible for charity.

The term culminated for the Sixth Form with the Christmas Ball which is, as usual, a highly anticipated night to remember. This one lived up to expectation and hopefully will continue to be a tradition.

For the Year 9s, a whole term completed will make all the difference as they have now settled in to school life. For the U6th, with only two terms left, it does feel quite strange that we will soon be approaching the end of school. A big thank you must go to Mr Judd for slaving away at all our personal statements and applications – he has been a massive help, as showcased by the eight Oxbridge interviews already received, and we really appreciate it.
It has been a full but successful term and whilst Year 11s and some U6th will have plenty of revision to be getting on with, we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Josie Taylor and Patrick Lee
Head Girl and Head Boy


Categories: Blog Senior