Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

The power of the mind

Posted: 19th January 2018

This week we had a wonderful MindPower day on Wednesday focusing on mindful sitting, listening and breathing, mindfulness stories etc all with our mindful coach from Echo, Louisa Miles.

It was great to be supported by so many Year 1 parents and in the future your children can use these calming techniques to calm themselves, especially during exam seasons and more stressful situations! They will have far more resilience and ability to cope using these learnt strategies.

A polite request! This week we have noticed odd colour hair ribbons and hats etc creeping in. Please may I politely remind parents that hair ties, clips and ribbons should be navy or royal blue in keeping with the uniform and school hats and gloves should be worn too.

We are proud of our uniform and want to look really smart. This is what you have all bought into and it’s not fair if some do their own thing! Also it is far easier in the morning to just say no to persuasive little voices. I have been there myself!

Reception parents, pop in and look at the lovely space centre role plays in both rooms and fantastic handwriting your children are doing. Their learning is really impressive!

We are really looking forward to the arrival of the Science dome, which is filled with stars and a night time sky. The Reception children will hear and explore features of the planets and Years 1 and 2 will be looking at light, refraction and colour!

Kathy McLauchlan, Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep