Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

We won't let the rain dampen our spirits!

Posted: 19th January 2018


It is great to see that the heavy rain showers have not dampened the spirits, energy or enthusiasm of the children in Thone. The House continues to thrive as we welcome a number of flexi’s to stay throughout the week and into the weekend. Casting our minds back to last weekend, we were able to enjoy a steady wander to the park with Mr and Mrs Hornsby, simply enjoying the less complex things in life. Enjoying the lull before the storm so to speak, Sunday certainly seemed far more energetic with our debut visit to LaserSpace. Neon lights, lasers, frantic running and dodging, the children had an exciting time with Mr Gatford, Mr McCarthy and Miss Barzotelli, competing against each other in variety of Laser tagging games. As the weekend came to a close, Thone House finally enjoyed a calm and peaceful Community Chapel Service, led by Rev. Dietz on Sunday evening.

This week has been full of different activities and we have been very fortunate to have enjoyed flowerpot decorating, smoothie making, swimming, dodgeball, tag rugby, music practice and Unihoc. With the weekend now in sight, there has also been lots of discussion and excitement about the Pebble ‘n’ Paint activity on Saturday and the trip to Clip ‘n’ Climb on Sunday. Should you wish to join us in any of the activities, during the week or at weekends, just contact Mrs Coleman – michelle.coleman@tauntonschool.co.uk

Michelle Coleman, Head of TPS Boarding

Categories: Blog Preparatory