Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Helen Bounces to Gold at Regional Trampoline Competition

Posted: 23rd January 2018

12-year-old Helen Hounslow has achieved a team Gold medal and personal Silver medal at the Trampoline NDP Regional Competition at Bath University this weekend.

Helen, who is in Year 8 at TPS, was delighted to win her first gold and silver medal, competing at Level 3 in the 13 plus age group, and narrowly missing out on a personal gold. Helen said: “I’ve been to lots of competitions before, but I’ve never managed to make the podium. It was a really good feeling to get gold and silver – as soon as I heard I ran back to my Dad!”

This win means Helen will return to Bath in March to compete in the final: “I’m aiming to qualify for the regional team which means finishing in first or second position. After that would be the South West Finals, then the Nationals.”

Helen currently trains with Whirlwinds Academy in Wellington, fitting in five hours of training a week amongst her homework and swimming training.

Dad Nigel Hounslow says: “It’s a very time consuming sport and Helen has really put her mind to this. She started doing gymnastics and has followed this route to trampolining. She’s determined to get to the regionals and there’s no reason why she shouldn’t get there. She has put in a lot of time and effort and deserved her place on the podium.” He added, “Both her mum and I are exceptionally proud of her.”

Categories: News Preparatory