Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton Festival of the Arts

Posted: 9th February 2018

Many of our musical stars have had a grilling two weeks preparing for, and competing in, the Taunton Festival of the Arts, which took place in various venues across the town, including in the Senior School Music department. The Taunton Festival of the Arts is a fantastic performing and learning platform for young musicians, exposing them to the nerve-wracking but strength building experience of performing in public. The judges offered some very helpful performing tips that our young stars will hopefully be putting into practice with guidance from their excellent teachers in months and years to come.

Well done to all who took this brave challenge, representing the school admirably in the wider community.

Each child who took part performed extremely well under some considerable pressure against a huge number of other children from several competing schools in the county. We are proud of the achievements of all our children, both regular festival competitors and those who have overcome this challenge for the very first time. We have a set of very impressive results and we congratulate our young musicians hugely.


Ethan Li won first place in the Solo Woodwind section, playing his clarinet with great skill and confidence. He also won a “Distinction” mark in the Piano Solo 10 years and under round.
Daria Bogdanska was the overall winner of the Piano Solo 10 years and under, with a “Distinction” mark – a tremendous achievement.
Evie Linden came first place and achieved an “Outstanding” and a “Distinction” mark for both her Harp performances, showing excellent musicianship and diligence, well done.
Emily Vernon competed in two rounds, coming first place in a class of 9 children. She sang “Hushabye Mountain” achieving a mark of “Outstanding”. She also came second place in an earlier round singing a folk song. Really well done.


Mina Li achieved “Distinction” on the Piano Solo 12 years and under round.
Edward Dancey competed and won high mark certificates in several rounds, the most notable success of which was the Recital round, in which he competed alongside children as old as 16 and above. Edward achieved a “Commended” mark for his performance, which is excellent news.
Poppy Charles and Poppy Treanor competed for the first time in the festival. Poppy Charles sang “I dreamed a dream” and earned a “Distinction”, which for a festival debut is a tremendous success. Poppy Treanor impressed with her violin playing, earning a “Merit” for her performance.
Con Workman won a “Commended” for his performance on the violin – another festival debut for a talented young musician.

In the singing rounds, Ailani Braine-Clarke, singing for the first time as part of the Festival, achieved “Commended”, Annabelle Mellenchip and Kate Blackmore Greasley won “Distinction” marks with very encouraging feedback on the already advanced development and quality of their voices.

Isabella Saunders was the overall winner in her round, achieving a “Commended” mark.
Ava Leach and Leila Imm were also debut festival performers. Leila won “Commended” and Ava came second place in a class of 8 young singers, winning a “Distinction” mark.
All the children who entered as part of the Piano Duet categories of the competition achieved a “Commended” mark, which is fantastic. Well done to Evie Lindon, Maddy Hudgell, Daria Bogdanska, Daisy Challacombe, Maddy Berry, Allyssa Vitug and Daisy Vann.
Laura Trembath, Zoe Trembath and Tilly Coomber also competed in two Piano rounds each, and all won “Commended” awards. Bravo!

The Drama rounds of the Festival of the Art take place after half term, so as they say, break a leg everybody!

Sam Baker

Categories: Blog Preparatory