Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

The first half of Spring Term

Posted: 9th February 2018

I find it very hard to believe that five weeks have passed since we came back for the start of the spring term and it is amazing to think about how much has been packed into that time.

Last Sunday, I watched our dancers from Years 7 and 8 perform their awe-inspiring ‘Rock Challenge’ routine as a dress rehearsal for competing in Bournemouth yesterday. Performing alongside pupils from the Senior School, our Prep School pupils showed wonderful concentration and confidence to dance with such poise and power. Very well done to all of the dancers, who make Mrs Hornsby, their Headmaster and all at TPS so proud of them.

Whilst on the subject of the Performing Arts, an article in the Senior Courier this week, written by Mr Cracknell (Head of music in the Senior School), highlights the unique benefits and impact that music brings to us all. He points out how the brain responds in a special way to music, which brings much benefit to the maturing brains of young people, as well as to adults of all ages. We are so fortunate here at TPS to be in an environment which celebrates and nurtures music for all. Whether it be through individual instrumental lessons, playing in an ensemble, singing in a choir, musical production or in chapel, or if it is through simply listening to and enjoying music from performances such as the recent RAF Wind Band visit, there truly is music here for everyone.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Cooper charity day last week so successful and such fun. A cake sale, mufti clothes and throwing wet sponges – what more could a Prep School child wish for! Most importantly, a total of nearly £600 was raised for the Brain Tumour Trust.

Finally, in anticipation of Shrove Tuesday next week, we held our traditional Pancake race at morning break today. Pancakes flying everywhere in the strong wind, smiles and competitive spirits (obviously myself excluded..!) all contributed to a highly entertaining series of races around the playground. Great fun was had by all.

I wish all of you a very restful and enjoyable half term holiday.

Andrew Edwards

Categories: Blog Preparatory