Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A successful Spring Term

Posted: 23rd March 2018

The end of the Spring term has arrived and I’m sure you are all looking forward to a break over Easter. It has been another incredibly successful and action packed term with so much to celebrate. This week’s RaG week has been a great success and just last week we were treated to a Wild Cat Royal Navy helicopter landing on the front pitch to deliver Colonel Kelly for our inspection day. We have had great success on the sports fields, enjoyed the school in the snow, had four of our students receive offers to Oxbridge, became the first school in Somerset to take a stance on minimising its environmental impact by implementing a ‘Zero to Landfill’ initiative and much more. I wish everyone revising for GCSE, A Level and IB exams the best of luck with their revision. There is much to look ahead to in the Summer term; we have the inaugural Prep Schools Choral Festival with award winning broadcaster and composer Howard Goodall visiting the school to judge the competition, our spectacular Fireworks Concert and Commem in June. There are a few other exciting events to share with you very soon. Have a very happy and restful Easter holidays.

Lee Glaser

Categories: Blog Senior