Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A very busy, happy and rewarding term

Posted: 23rd March 2018

As I write, I am very much looking forward to this afternoon’s Easter Service which marks the end of a very busy, happy and rewarding term.

Last Sunday, I was extremely impressed with the Saturday morning Enrichment Performing Arts group who gave an outstanding performance at the Tacchi-Morris Centre. Brilliantly supported by no less than four members of staff, the pupils from Years 3 to 6 sparkled on stage as they took us back in time to the Victorian era with a series of superbly executed songs and sketches.

Then, on Monday evening, it was the turn of the pupils from the Year 7 and Year 8 Drama Club to shine. Sitting in the Senior School theatre, I was amazed at the confidence and maturity and found myself wondering how on earth these talented boys and girls had found time to learn and rehearse their lengthy sketches to enable them to perform to such a high standard. They really are completely ready to enter our thriving world of Senior School drama and I look forward to seeing them continue to perform for years to come.

Yesterday we held our End of Term Assembly and it was terrific to give certificates to pupils who had obtained amongst the highest Attitude to Learning grades in their year group. It is possible for every pupil to score very high Attitude to Learning grades, irrespective of how easy or how hard they find the work. Having celebrated the achievements of pupils with the highest grades, I will over the Easter Holidays be looking at the grades in more detail with a view to identifying those pupils who have managed to make significant improvement in their grades since the Autumn Term. I will be acknowledging their achievement at the start of the Summer Term.

In terms of Rolls of Honour, pupils were awarded certificates yesterday who had reached the impressive total of 10 since September. Again, Rolls of Honour can be won by pupils of all attainment levels since they are awarded by staff to pupils who have produced work which is excellent for the individual concerned.

I know that those pupils who are going on the school ski trip or the PGL residential trip are very excited and I look forward to seeing everyone back safe and sound for the start of the Summer Term. I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter holiday.

Andrew Edwards

Categories: Blog Preparatory