Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A long winter

Posted: 19th April 2018

Headmaster Lee Glaser welcomes the start of Summer Term

After what feels like the longest winter in living memory it is good to be writing this with the sun streaming through the window. The Grounds team have been working their socks off this past few weeks with cricket fixtures looming but the rain relentless. They have done a great job.

It’s been a busy Easter break for students and staff with trips to France (twice), Germany and Spain and a fabulous preseason Sports programme. I’m particularly grateful to staff who accompanied our students on trips: Miss Boever, Miss Lossouarn, Miss Beere, Mr Henderson, Miss Manley and Miss Stancer and to the staff who ran the sports programme: Miss Mortimer, Mr Sanderson, Mr Foweraker and Mr Sestaret.

Our Under 14 Rugby Sevens squad deserve special mention on their performance at the Rosslyn Park tournament. Our boys finished second in what is effectively a National tournament with 120 entries. This was a fabulous achievement and I am very proud of all of the boys involved.

I spoke in Chapel earlier this week about the fact that this is always a stressful term due to external examinations but I have passed on a message to our community to ensure they don’t forget a particular human attribute that plays a vital role in any community…kindness. I stressed that kindness is not necessarily a physical act of giving but is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.

Examples included supporting someone who is feeling stressed by asking if they are ok. Ensuring that an act of kindness or service is carried out not because it is on a “to do” list, or good for the CV, but because it is genuinely heartfelt. Being happy for somebody who achieves success.

We must also treat ourselves kindly by taking good care of ourselves and not beat ourselves up if we make a mistake. We must treat others how we want to be treated ourselves but we must also treat ourselves how we want to be treated. Nobody wants to be treated unkindly.

So, my theme for the term is to be kind to each other and I’m sure that you will reinforce this message at home.

Lee Glaser

Categories: Blog Senior