Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Spreading kindness, respect and positivity

Posted: 19th April 2018

A very warm welcome back to the Summer Term of 2018. And what a wonderfully warm start to the term it has been! Just over one month ago, we were under inches of snow and now we are basking in glorious temperatures and sunshine. It has been terrific to see our boys and girls enjoying the field so much this week, both in their lessons and during break-times, with a variety of activities on view such as cricket, rounders, athletics, tennis and football – it has been a hive of non-stop activity.

It will not have gone unnoticed that, over the holidays, extensive scaffolding has been erected around Thone in order to carry out scheduled maintenance and improvement work to the roof, windows and exterior of the building. The ongoing upkeep of our school buildings and grounds is vital in creating and maintaining an environment of which we can all be proud, and I am delighted that the high standard of care provided for all of our pupils extends to the buildings and facilities in which they work and play.

I very much enjoyed seeing all of the boys working hard this week on their cricketing skills in preparation for the start of their matches and the girls made an extremely positive start on Wednesday to this term’s tennis and rounders fixtures.

This week in my assembly, three pupils took great delight in squeezing out the contents of a tube of toothpaste. They were somewhat surprised when I gave them a spoon each and challenged them to undo what they had done and return the toothpaste to the tube….. they certainly had fun trying! I made the analogy of how this is like words that we use – once they are out, we can’t take them back. The children considered with me how each one of us has an important role to play in our school community, by using words with care and doing our best to ensure that they are always kind, respectful and positive. We even talked about the difference between clever people who know what they want to say and truly wise people who know whether to say it or not. I look forward to a Summer Term in which our children enjoy and appreciate the opportunities offered to them, and spread kindness, respect and positivity to all around them.

Mr Edwards

Categories: Blog Pre-Prep Preparatory