Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Confidence in Storytelling

Posted: 27th September 2018

As the end of my third full week here draws to a close, both the Nursery and the Pre-Prep have enjoyed the sunshine and the respite from last weekend’s rain. It has been so good to see the children outside, particularly during the Forest School sessions, which they all get so much enjoyment and benefit from.

I would like to thank all the parents who came to support the Phonics workshop for parents and I would also like to extend my thanks to Mrs Lawson for joining me in delivering this support for our Nursery 4 and Reception parents. The evening was very well attended and it was helpful to hear from the Chair of the PTA, Paul Billings, about the wider school information evenings for parents – open to everyone who wants to attend.

The Read Write Inc. workshop allowed us to share how we teach the program in order to equip our children with the skills they need to recognise and then blend sounds together to create words, and then to comprehend what they are reading. We also focussed on repetition of stories to allow the children to understand and give them confidence in the art of storytelling. We briefly explained about ‘Talk for Writing’ and how that is being used throughout the Pre-Prep with all the children, to extend and develop their writing skills. Wait until you hear the children’s confidence demonstrated in the Paddington Rap – instigated by Mrs Brodie in Year 2! Finally, our evening shared ‘Think Write’ and how we use all of the three teaching schemes – along with the vital injection of FUN provided by the experienced TPPS team, in order to facilitate the children’s progress and ultimately encourage a lifelong love of reading and learning.

I look forward to seeing some of you at the Parents PTA talk on Screen Dependency – something close to all of our hearts – next Tuesday 2nd October from 6.00 pm.

Mrs Louise Leah
Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep