Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

On This Day In History – 28th September

Posted: 27th September 2018

Each Tuesday, the intrepid team of TPS History detectives meet to delve into the past and research famous events to coincide with the publishing date of this week’s Courier. This term, as we will shortly be remembering the 100 year anniversary of the WW1 Armistice, we have decided to focus on events which happened between the years 1914-18.
The pupils have only one hour to research, write and illustrate their articles. We hope you enjoy them and discover some fascinating bits of History.

Joanna Hall-Tomkin
Head of History and Pastoral Head Years 5 & 6

1914 – The Trial of Gavrilo Princip

On the 28th June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his pregnant wife Sophie, were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand terrorist group, whilst visiting Sarajevo.
Due to the European alliance systems in place at the time, this event triggered the outbreak of World War One.
The trial of Princip began on the 28th September 1914, he was later sentenced to twenty years in prison but died of tuberculosis on 28th April 2018.

Aryan Sharma, Charlie Webber and Gabriel McCarthy

1917 Zeppelin Air Raid

On the night of 28th September 1917, during thick cloud, a bombing force of giant Zeppelin airships, reached the British coast, dropping a mixture of bombs over Kent, Essex and Suffolk. AA guns fired almost 1500 retaliatory rounds and almost certainly shot down three Zeppelins. Despite the thick cloud cover, the Royal Flying Corps got 20 aircraft airborne but could not locate the raiders. There were no British casualties.

Sophia Elsmore

Categories: Blog Preparatory