Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

The Great Thone Bake Off

Posted: 27th September 2018

Last weekend, we had a fabulous time taking part in the ‘Thone House Bake Off’ on Saturday afternoon, organised by Mr Ashmore and Mrs Tucker, which saw us baking a delicious array of iced chocolate chip muffins. The children put forward their best muffins and Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith (aka Mr and Mrs Pettit) certainly enjoyed the ‘blind tasting’ at the judge’s table. After much deliberation, Theo Howard was awarded third place for his ‘chick’ design; second place, with stand-out presentation on show, went to Gracie Howells and Jessica Oppenheim; and in first place, the deserving winners were Joshua Stevenson and Rosie Imm who created well thought-out matching ‘parent’ and ‘baby’ hippo muffins.

On Sunday morning, we enjoyed a relaxing pyjama breakfast in Thone and time together as a boarding family ‘at home’. After some downtime, the children spent time getting organised, tidying dorms, completing preps and playing dodgeball. A Sunday roast at lunchtime gave us the energy we needed to “FlipOut” during the afternoon. The children (and Mr Rousell) relished the opportunity to leap around; we even saw Vadim Savin and Zakariyo Husainov demonstrate some very impressive backflips! After an active day and fun-filled weekend, the children were ready for an early night. All lights out by 9pm, roll on Week 4!

Lucy Collings Pettit
Assistant Houseparent

Categories: Blog Preparatory