Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A Large Pumpkin

Posted: 4th October 2018

It’s been another lovely week in the Pre-Prep with our Harvest celebrations in the Chapel, drawing the week to a close. Thank you to all of you who have so kindly donated to the Church supported ‘Open Door’ charity, based here in Taunton.

We have also enjoyed the utterly amazing Pumpkin brought in to share with the Pre-Prep by Mr Martin in Reception. Wow! I think that a lot of us have never seen such a large pumpkin. There has also been lots of discussion by the Reception children on how long it’s taken to grow, as well as where it was grown from and the conditions it needs to grow.

All this has been perfect for continuing the theme of the Reception year group’s visit to Rainbow Care Farm on Monday 1st October. All of the children had a fabulous day on the beautiful farm, in the warm sunshine. Thank you to Miss Margenout, Mrs Battersby, Ms O’ Dell and Ms Chivers for accompanying the trip.

As we enter this term and begin to face the season of coughs, colds and general sickness, could I kindly ask that you inform us by 9.00 am on the morning of any absences in both the Nursery and Pre-Prep. Please ensure that you have either emailed your key person, the form teacher, Sarah Launchbury (sarah.launchbury@tauntonschool.co.uk) or myself (TPPShead@tauntonschool.co.uk) in the Pre-Prep office to ensure that we know.

Finally, please have a look at the Year 1’s Wall of Fame on page 6. What beautiful Autumnal artwork creations – inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

Mrs Louise Leah

Head of Nursery and Pre-Prep

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep