Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

It's Been A Treat

Posted: 18th October 2018

I cannot quite believe that this is the last Courier article of this autumn 2018 – first half of term, and what a lovely six weeks it has been, with so many happy, confident and settled children, with their new or established friendships. The Year 2s also seem so particularly grown up at times.

After half-term, we return to a busy week with Nursery Parent Consultations taking place all of the week commencing 5th November. Year 1 also have their trip to Bristol Zoo on Monday 5th and the Centenary for Armistice is being remembered on Friday 9th November, with the Fireworks Party on Greenham field the same evening. Tickets are available to purchase online, through the email you have already received.

A big thank you from me to everyone throughout the Taunton School community for your welcome over the last few months. It really has been a treat beginning to get to know everyone here.

I hope that you can enjoy at least some of the Half Term break with your tired children.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep