Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A Fascinating Display of Remembrance

Posted: 9th November 2018

I hope that you all enjoyed a great half term break and are looking forward to the exciting and busy run up to the end of the Autumn term.

It is a great shame that we have been forced to cancel tonight’s Fireworks Party, but we had no real option, given the forecast of very bad weather which we discussed with the professional company responsible for running the event safely.

I am delighted to say, however, that, even without fireworks, our pupils have enjoyed a special day thanks to our Remembrance Service and the display in the Centenary Hall of objects which have been brought into school. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to such a valuable and fascinating exhibition. The pupils have participated and behaved superbly well in today’s events, demonstrating a mature understanding of World War One and other conflicts. The fact that we have a large core of pupils and staff from military backgrounds adds power and depth to Remembrance Day, and these members of our community are always helping us to strengthen the sense of service and values which are at the heart of our school.

Before half term, I had the great pleasure of watching every TPS pupil up on stage as the whole of our Prep School came together for a fun-packed House Singing competition. Well done to all of the boys and girls for performing so well. The sense of teamwork and fun shone brightly, giving us all so much to smile about.
Then, during half term, I was privileged enough to join the Choir Tour for the trip to Venice. Nothing could be more motivating and challenging than a trip to such a special city, and every member of the choir will, I am sure, remember for the rest of their lives singing in St. Mark’s Basilica and in the Roman Amphitheatre of Verona. Many congratulations to Mrs Hornsby and her team of staff, and to all of the pupils for performing so well and for being such good ambassadors for our school.

Finally, I would like to focus on the efforts of our pupils in the classroom. Alongside the successes of our boys and girls in sport, music, drama and other extra-curricular areas, it is their progress in the classroom which must lie at the heart of their school experience. It was therefore extremely pleasing for me to see so many impressive grades being awarded just before half term in the first set of assessments for Attitude to Learning. As the TPS Way says, if our pupils are kind and respectful, ambitious and if they try their best, we will all be smiling!

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory