Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Holding Our Own in Sport

Posted: 16th November 2018

It has been great fun to see our pupils sporting so many spots today and they have all enjoyed being in school in their home clothes, paying £1 for the privilege in aid of Children in Need. Thank you so much to all of the Loveday parents who have helped their children prepare fun activities for the day and we are very grateful to all of the parents and pupils who have brought in cakes. We have raised a lot of money and had a lot of fun!

During the last ten days, the sporting season has hotted up with block fixtures in Years 5 to 8 against some of the biggest and strongest Prep Schools in our area. In hockey, our girls have more than held their own against both Millfield and Port Regis and the standard of hockey throughout TPS is clearly going from strength to strength. In Rugby, we have competed very strongly against Hazlegrove and Clifton across the year groups and I have been particularly impressed with the fight shown by the U13A team. Hazlegrove are also one of the strongest swimming schools in the South West, so it was excellent to see the TPS team beat that school very comfortably indeed in last night’s gala. Very well done to all of the boys and girls who have been making such a terrific effort in their sport.

This week saw another very interesting curriculum trip with Year 6 visiting the Tutankhamun Museum in Dorchester. Since September, all of our pupils have been benefitting from the review of curriculum trips which we completed at the end of last year. As a result, there has been an increase in the overall number of trips (including special visitors who come to TPS) and we have worked hard to ensure that every trip is both enjoyable and educational, serving to bring alive the topics being studied in the classroom.

Finally for today, I have very much enjoyed seeing so many parents at the Parent Consultation Evenings which have taken place so far this term. It is terrific to be able to spend valuable time talking about how the pupils are progressing. Although the five minute slot is not a long one with each teacher (and cannot be extended due to the obvious knock on effects for others), all of our staff are more than happy to arrange for a follow-up conversation on another day if required. I have the privilege of sounding out the end of every five minutes and I thank all parents and staff for the respect that they show for the bell! I am very much looking forward to the remaining parents’ evenings for this term.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory