Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Suddenly Winter is Upon Us

Posted: 23rd November 2018

Thank you to all parents who joined us for the Year 1 Sharing Assembly on Monday. I think we were all impressed by the children’s confidence, whilst being reminded quite how daunting an assembly can be when you are only five and six. A big thank you to all the staff involved, in preparing the children for their performances.

I would also like to thank Sarah Launchbury, for all that she does for everyone here at the Nursery and Pre-Prep. Sarah is a lady of many talents and we are grateful for all that she does in keeping the department running efficiently. Not only has Sarah provided the refreshments for two events this week, she thinks nothing of doing the weekly shop, ordering resources, managing diaries, sorting out the paper cupboard and going that extra mile for us all. Thank you Sarah, we really do appreciate you. This week, Sarah has been busy inducting our new TPPS Admin Assistant – Eleanor Skeen. Eleanor comes from Taunton and after completing a First Class Honour’s degree she worked for the University of Plymouth. In the fullness of time, we hope that Eleanor will be taking on much of Sarah’s role, as Sarah becomes much more Marketing and Admissions focussed. If you come across Eleanor, please do introduce yourself.

Finally, for Nursery 4 parents – we have a Reception 2019 Information evening on Thursday 29th November at 7.00pm.

It suddenly feels like winter may be upon us, so please can all children have named coats, gloves and hats in school every day.

Have a good weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep