Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Super Concert in the Chapel

Posted: 23rd November 2018

We have had another incredibly busy and positive week since my last Courier article. Last Friday, we had a very enjoyable Children in Need day and thank you to all of the Year 8 Loveday pupils and staff who organised the activities so well. Over £1,000 was raised which was a tremendous achievement.

The next day, we had the latest of our inspiring Enrichment sessions for Years 7 and 8, which involved Mr Glaser presenting a session on probability. For any of you interested in what Mr Glaser showed the pupils, please do google “The Monty Hall Problem”! The pupils were also very surprised to learn that, in a room of just 23 people, there is a more than a 50-50 chance of two people having the same birthday. Whilst we all shook our heads incredulously, Mr Glaser chose 23 pupils at random and, sure enough, two of them shared the same birthday!

Following the weekend, we were treated to a terrific concert in The Chapel. I think that we were all hugely impressed by the high quality of musicianship on display and the fact that so many of our pupils learn musical instruments and singing. The dedication and skill of the staff, brilliantly led by Mrs Hornsby, and the support of parents combine to give our pupils such wonderful opportunities to excel in this important area of school life. Very well done to all who took part in this super event!

The next day saw the visit of the French Theatre Company, giving our pupils a very engaging experience of spoken French and then yesterday, our Year 5 and 6 Drama after-school club put on an extremely original abridged version of ‘The Greatest Showman’. Congratulations to all of the pupils who performed so well.

Yesterday saw the very exciting publication of The Cricketer Magazine’s Good Schools Guide 2019. This lists the top 100 cricketing schools in the country and we are absolutely delighted that Taunton School is one of only six in the country to be in the top 100 for both Prep and Senior sections.

Remaining on the subject of sport, the magnificent total of 19 TPS pupils have gained the qualifying times to compete in the National Biathlon Championships in the New Year, which puts us comfortably amongst the elite schools in the country in this demanding sporting discipline.

Finally, I wish the Year 6 and Year 8 boys who are going on their rugby tour this weekend a marvellous time away. ‘What happens on tour, stays on tour’ is the saying, so I am not sure how much we will learn about their time away when they get back!

I wish you all a very enjoyable and relaxing Exeat weekend.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory